@article{67666, keywords = {Humans, Photic Stimulation, Time Factors, Female, Male, Adult, Space Perception, Attention, Visual Fields, Young Adult, Geniculate Bodies, Superior Colliculi}, author = {Keith Schneider and Sabine Kastner}, title = {Effects of sustained spatial attention in the human lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus.}, abstract = { The role of subcortical visual structures such as the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the superior colliculus (SC) in the control of visual spatial attention remains poorly understood. Here, we used high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure responses in the human LGN and SC during sustained spatial attention. Subjects covertly and continuously tracked one of two segments that rotated through the visual field, composed of either moving dots or transient colored shapes. Activity in both nuclei was generally enhanced by attention, independent of the stimulus type, with the voxels responding more sensitively to stimulus contrast (those dominated by magnocellular input) exhibiting greater attentional enhancement. The LGN contained clusters of voxels exhibiting attentional enhancement or weak suppression, whereas the SC exhibited predominantly attentional enhancement, which was significantly stronger than in the LGN. The spatial distribution of the attentional effects was unrelated to the retinotopic organization in either structure. The results demonstrate that each of the major subcortical visual pathways participates in attentional selection, and their differential magnitudes of modulation suggest distinct roles. }, year = {2009}, journal = {J Neurosci}, volume = {29}, pages = {1784-95}, month = {02/2009}, issn = {1529-2401}, doi = {10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4452-08.2009}, language = {eng}, }