This zip file contains the probabilistic maps. There are several files: 1. MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz : MNI volume image 2. ROIfiles_Labeling.txt : Text file containing correspondance of numerical labels to visual field maps 3. subj_vol_all/ : Folder containing probability maps in MNI volume space. 4. subj_surf_all/ : Folder containing probability maps in icosahedron surface space (using SUMA's MapIcosahedron -ld 141). The volume and surface folders each contain: 1. a maximum probability map e.g., maxprob_surf_{hemisphere} 2. a full probability map for each area: perc_VTPM_surf_roi{number}_{hemisphere}. See manuscript for details on these maps. Last Update: 12/9/14. Probability Atlas v4